Advice if you want to buy my eBooks

Where to buy?

I always set a fixed price based on word count, but the price you see may vary depending on which currency you choose, F.ex I just noticed that if I buy a book in NOK, Google is the most expensive place to buy eBooks.

So, basically,

The most expensive: All have the same original price, but it varies depending on the currency

The least expensive: I always charge the same amount on all sites. That said, be aware that Apple will round up the price to the nearest .49 or .99.

Free titles: I always have a free book on all sites so make sure to check once in a while to collect coupons or direct links.

Where I earn the most: Smashwords, Eden Books and Google.

That said, feel free to buy where it suits you. Personally, I’m a great fan of Smashwords.

Note that some sites won’t sell my Taboo and Dubcon titles. Check the book pages here for a list of where to find my books.

Paperback and hardcover: No longer available since Amazon terminated my account. Currently, 5 of my titles (Mating the Omega, Turning the Omega, Taming the Omega, Hate To Love You and Lessons in Love) are available in these formats. But you can only find them on Amazon.

Which format should you choose?

This depends on which device you prefer to read on.

Personally, I like to read on my Android tablet using an app called eBoox. This one is great because you can read both epub and pdf files. I usually buy or download all my ebooks from Smashwords (epub format).

If I read on a computer, I like to read the pdf format on Adobe Acrobat Reader, or an epub file on Adobe Digital Editions. Both book formats can be bought at Smashwords or many of the other sellers listed below. Note that on Smashwords you only have to buy the book once but you can still download it in multiple formats. This is great since I’ve recently switched to reading all my books on epub.

Scams to be aware of:

Also, please be aware that several pirate sites claim to have free versions of my eBooks. Some of these are simply credit scams or only want to put spam and viruses in your computer (believe me, I’ve tried that last one – nearly lost a few weeks of writings….). So, be careful out there 🙂

That said, here are so safe places to find my eBooks: