The secrets behind a pen name

I’ve often wondered how can you create a good pen name.

In my case, I thought about my favourite movie character, my favorite author and my favourite person, and it resulted in ‘Ada Stuart’.


Ada is from:

  • Ada McGrath – in the movie ‘The Piano’ by Jane Campion
  • Ada Lovelace – the world’s first computer programmer
  • Ada Hegerberg – Awarded as the best female soccer player in Europe several times (and she’s Norwegian)

Stuart is from:

  • Author Anne Stuart – one of my all time favourite authors. She can start a book with a villain that you dislike, only to end up loving the same character when you finish the book. I’ve tried to do the same and failed terribly
  • It sounds British and I loved to read Shakespeare, Jane Austen and all sorts of regency novels when I grew up