
NaNoWriMo again

I couldn’t resist the chance to spend an entire month doing nothing but writing. (As long as I forget that I have to edit it afterwards, it’s just perfect.) Alright, so I did actually start writing during my Easter holiday so the graph looks a lot steeper than it should. But the bottom line is…

Killing my darlings

The final editing of a story always takes longer than I expect. But the worst part of the process is to make decisions as to which scenes to deleted and which to keep. No wonder they call this process “killing your darlings”, eh? Because sometimes it feels like you have to remove a limb or…

That time of year, again

Just ignore the image. It only shows what I should be doing, but instead I’m ignoring all the dust and focusing on writing this blog post instead, lol. Maybe that’s the solution to having a better life: do what you want to do and try to ignore some of the tasks that keep filling your…

December, already?

I officially hate winter. Seriously, I do. Yes, yes, I’m Norwegian, so I should just love skiing and being outdoors and all that. But, no. Snow looks much better from inside the house. Particularly when we get cold winds from Siberia and only a few centimetres of the white shiny stuff. It’s not enough to…


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About Me

Hi, I’m Ada. I’m a part-time writer, full-time worker, mother, wife and a ton of other titles. Since 2019 my main hobby has been to write stories and learn how to self-publish my ramblings. This blog is for my love of writing and sharing the experience with you!

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